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Camper van Jan Dirk Last September (2020) we went on holiday to the Vosges and Alsace with Jan Dirk's camper. It was the first time with a camper and that turned out positively. It was nice that the dog could come along. That went very well. It was also nice that the camper drove well and tight and has a pleasant engine with turbo. The latter is nice in the mountains. Although dated, the camper could keep up with other traffic and in the mountains. It is a strong smoker on steep parts and when driving away. Not bad for this 25 year old gentleman/lady. With continuous driving, the emissions seemed acceptable. The view all around takes some getting used to and the mirrors don't show everything. Driving like a van is the motto. For a reversing movement, it is important that someone (outside) is watching. The layout is just enough but somewhat dated. The camper had everything we needed for us. In short, a recommendation and certainly for people who want to try something like this and don't have to have everything perfect. A pleasant driving accommodation. Best regards, Tanya and Dirk October 2020