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You want to go on the road with this camper! Last October and November I made a fantastic trip along the coast of France, Spain and Portugal with Eric and Miranda's camper. My house for two months. The camper is nice and compact and has a powerful engine, so no bridge too high, mountain too steep or street too narrow (well, I avoided that last one anyway). It is also an automatic, so it is really a party to drive. Although compact, you can store a lot of stuff in the camper, there is no shortage of storage space. The contact with Eric and Miranda was also great, they explained everything very well and I could always reach them if I had any questions. I can wholeheartedly recommend everyone to go on an adventure with this VW California! December 2022
Response from Eric Bedankt voor de recensie Britt! Wij vonden het heel fijn dat alles probleemloos is verlopen met meer dan 8000 km gereden. Geweldig dat je jouw mooie avonturen ons kwam vertellen. Dankjewel voor de foto's! Eric en Miranda.